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Local PTCs Collaborate on New Sign Campaign For Pick Up/Drop Off Lines

Park County, WY

School is in (mostly) full swing, thanks to our teachers and administrations! Navigating COVID hasn't exactly been a breeze, but our small slice of Heaven has been resilient and creative when it comes to putting our kids first. And that's pretty fantastic! Seriously, God Bless our schools and FACULTY.

With the blessing of school continuing full-steam ahead, so doth the transportation process of getting our kids there. In response to some slight folly in the process of parents dropping their kids off-and picking them up, a proactive taskforce comprised of a dozen or more local PTCs is introducing a new sign campaign to help queue parents through a smoother process.

The committee released several slogans to The Telegraph, along with a statement,

'We just used a really down-to-earth approach with fun reminders like, 'Dress and feed your kids at home' and 'Getting to the line early actually screws the entire process up because your kid is in the last group to be released, stupid.' You know, fun stuff like that.'

Solutions for parents BY parents. We respect that, and are always for a happy ending. Happy Transportation, Telegraphers!

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