Cody, WY
Fanned by nasty winds and an abundance of dry tinder, the North Fork's Fishhawk Fire is just getting started. The fire was reported Monday, September 2nd, in the Fishhawk Creek drainage area and by press time had grown to eleventy billion acres. While officials are still anxiously devising a plan of attack on the fire, one thing is for sure: lots of bears are now homeless. That's right. Bears from all walks of life are seeing their homes literally go up in smoke.
Touched by the story, the federal judge who ruined thousands of would-be grizzly hunter's aspirations of bagging a bruin, has just announced they will be opening their home up to all displaced grizzlies during the Fishhawk debacle. Said the Judge,
'I just love bears. Especially Grizzlies. I want them to live their best lives, that's all. They can crash at my place until this silly fire blows over. We'll eat carcasses and watch Yellowstone reruns or whatever.'
Awww. The Telegraph loves a happy ending. And the Yellowstone series. And while a forest fire is never anything to take lightly, at least thousands of bark beetles are boiling to death in hot sap-and that's enough to make anyone smile.
Thanks to all on scene, too.